I Promise, and sometimes it happens….

modern interior loft

Today how many promises did you follow through on? Did you end up doing what you said you were going to do today? For many, the truth is an unknown answer to this question as many aren’t keeping track of all the commits that they have made across their lives.

This lack of follow through is a pervasive issue that is likely holding you back in some way.

Home Front and Naggville – Many of us have a relatively solid handle on those to dos that pop during the day at work and depending upon your role – to do’s on the home front as well. The issue starts for many men with the “honey do” list that they leave to their significant others to manage them on. This is not a good long term strategy, and it speaks volumes about your ability to manage your life in a coherent manner if you let this condition reach a point of outward friction with your partner.

Self Promises – Past Misses – The second place where compromises start to cause problems for many is for those past due commitments to yourself. Do you even have a list of promises you have made to yourself? This list can span all areas of your life, the point here is that again many guys don’t own their word – sacrificing especially the promises made to the most important person in your life. You.

Self Promises – Plans – The third issue worth looking at is again about keeping your word, but in a future oriented sense. Are you even making a proactive promise to yourself on a regular basis. These future promises can also be called…plans. They can be as grand as building your dream log cabin home yourself or as simple as getting your ass out of bed early to hit the gym and to make a rocking breakfast for those you love. How many times have you sat down in the past month and made plans / promises to yourself? Whether you followed through or not, did you get intentional with your word?

I have found that many of these issues are a direct result of sheer laziness, not owning your misses, and being less than intentional regarding what you want.

In the next few posts, I’ll hit each of these issues with a solution or four that will equip you with the abilities and tools to truly own your promises and pending actions.

In the meantime, think about those times where you have let things slide a bit and get ready to start owning your shit where you typically let things slide.

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