Officially in the second half of the year, an update on upcoming content

Back in May, I called out how I was going to refocus on the efforts and to truly establish my personal brand.


Well, I have established a strong daily habit of writing that has been exceptionally focused on the personal brand, and we have reached a point where Energy and Action is ready to get some more content.  The content currently housed at Energy and Action is going to be increasingly focused on the Energy and Action Framework, Dimensions of Life, and key elements of a designed lifestyle.  So the content strategy will be shifting away from the prior posts that were perhaps a bit too personal in nature, and not as directly relevant to the Energy and Action mission which is about helping the community.


Personal anecdotes definitely have a place, however Energy and Action is bigger than just myself as the founder of the firm.  There will definitely be opportunities to house the personal stories from time to time, and many of those will be housed at my more personal site – especially if they are not core to the Energy and Action mission.


The six months of regular twice per week posts were critical to get me moving in any direction as I sought to establish the go to market for not only Energy and Action – it has also proven critical in arriving at my personal branding strategy.  In many ways, the journey had to just start, and I knew that things could be course corrected over time as more data and feedback came in.


This is absolutely something that we coach our clients on as well.  The key to progress is to get started, and to get a level of consistency established.  Once something is in motion, then you can more easily course correct and make the necessary changes.  Frankly, this lack of certainty had prevented me from starting the business for a few months.


Well, we are at a point of no return.


The Energy and Action business has officially been formed, we have copyrights and trademarks in play.


We have clients, and things are moving deliberately forward here at Energy and Action.


We are more than a blog with a slick logo…


Similarly, the personal clarity for myself has also reached a point of no return.


It is exceptionally clear now where my personal brand begins, ends, and where the Energy and Action business stands as a going concern for the broadening community.




Given this clarity – there will be content shifts occurring between both projects in the coming days.  There has been a commingling of content that is housed in the site which will be transitioned to the site.


You will see some blank spaces develop in the content that was produced here in the first six months as a result of this transition.  You will also see some content come this way in the coming days that had been previously published over at the other site.


You will also be seeing some new content in the coming days and weeks popping up here, and via the company Instagram feed.  There will be content unique to Instagram and Facebook being posted, and there will of course be content tying back to the main site as we continue to base everything from this site.  Finally, the LinkedIn pageLinkedIn page will also be receiving some increased love later in the year as we more formally launch things on that platform as well.  At a minimum, the LinkedIn corporate page will be receiving the updates from this blog as they occur.


Finally, new offers and services will be getting rolled out under the Energy and Action banner.  The first ebook is in the final stages, and another publication is being readied to come on the heels of the initial book that will be offered.









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