A Mile Marker in My Inbox. NEXT.

            I have shared a few blogs, podcasts, and even a video or two that I have enjoyed over at the TedTalks site.  I have many sources that I have yet to share, and I tend to batch the consumption of these resources in set windows that are impromptu and micro windows during my weeknights and weekends typically.


It is during these micro-windows that I get so much value that I then take forward during my ‘thinking and innovation’ windows that are scheduled during other windows during the week.


Many times these innovation windows are consumed with writing things out for this site and another site that I am publishing to.  Certainly over the course of the summer, when I was publishing each day for 84 days straight – the personal windows that I scheduled were crushed with producing and publishing content for that run.  Now I am taking a bit more deliberate pace for the editing and publication of the content – in the hopes that the quality of content will increase even as the volume stays the same or goes down slightly.


So one of the sources that I have been following for some time is a guy named Dylan Madden.  He’s had a blog that I have been following for over a year at least, and I have been charting his progress along the way.  He is a younger guy that has cranked out some strong content on his blog, he has produced some video content that struck me as meandering in many ways, and he has even published a book that I have yet to purchase.




For some reason, I remain a follower of his blog and email outreach.


He is a no bullshit authentic guy that has laid out his struggles and challenges for all to see.  He is out there in a very authentic way, and for me – it is inspiring to see anyone – let alone a younger guy such as himself rip his guts out from time to time to share his experiences.  He bleeds on the page.  This is where I am increasingly headed too.  I am being pulled in this direction.


I follow him, because he’s already done things that I am in the process of doing.  Yet, he’s still keeping his head down and grinding.  This is my style too.  I’ll tell you what I did, when it is done – not before.  Talk is cheap, and there is too much bullshitting going on nowadays.


I deliver, relentlessly.


Then maybe, maybe, I will share with you what we did – even as I am moving onto the next thing.  Knock it out.  NEXT.  Ask the teams that work with me, we hit our dates, we crush the deliverables, we do not celebrate enough typically, and we are onto the next mountain.




So the other day, I mentioned that I have retained another coach to help me with a few things, and she outlined how putting more value out in the world will come back manifold.  I shared in that same post that I have people coming at me in many avenues of life offering to help, and in other cases just offering what they have – all at the right time.


Things are very much synchronous right now.


So what the hell does this have to do with the podcasts I follow.


So who the hell cares about my fascination with Dylan’s gig?


And why am I rehashing this idea of another executive coach giving me some guidance on how to put out more value than I have even now?


Well, I cracked open my email yesterday and found a personal video from Dylan critiquing my MarkBadeau.com site.  I had responded to one of his emails stating what I was doing that night, as he asked for his subscribers to drop him a line.  I have dropped him an email or two before – with zero expectations of anything in return.


Soo after another – very long day – I come back to my email late that night to find Dylan himself ripping apart my current site.  I was dumbfounded.


He dropped a 12 minute or so, hard nosed ripfest on what was working for him on my site  and what was not.  Incredibly direct.  Incredibly useful.  Incredibly humble.  And unannounced, unrequested.


He delivered more value, and he’s got himself a member of his tribe going forward.  This is the type of shit that truly enriches the journey for those of us willing to put ourselves out there.


To have someone like Dylan – to take the time out – to give a little nip and tuck to a newcomer such as myself says a few things as I listen to what he said, and to what he did not say.


First off – he’s a legit dude that is ready to help out using his own gifts to their fullest.  This is potential in motion, and too many of us leave our potential in the top drawer when we put on a shirt and slacks to do a job or career that we inwardly despise.  Being able to vibe about your job, about your life in general, knowing that you are building a designed life – that’s the mixture for me that is ideal.


Secondarily – I have an idea of what this kind of focused consult could be charged for by a guy like him if he was truly interested in doing client work.  He gifted me his time and expertise.  Humbling to say the very least.


Thirdly – this is yet another mile marker for me that I am on the right path.  I have engaged with another internet icon and personality with an even larger following that more than a few of you know about.  I have written about some of his stuff previously here.  However, to have Dylan take the time out is not a coincidence, things continue to click into place.


I am doing my absolute damndest to ensure none of this is lost on me, and none of this is lost to you as well.


I have already taken a slew of his points online and refactored a bunch of things on this site as a direct result.  Enumerating them here is a waste of time, just know that I am doing the things that he suggested on many fronts.  If you are interested, hit my site outside of this LinkedIn feed or the Facebook feed…


You can also bet on me continuing to build this site out, and I will remain very open to your feedback in the spirit of ongoing improvements around here.


Thanks to you for taking the time to check me out.


Thanks to you Dylan for giving me a few kicks in the ass and a few pats on the back too.






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