The official logo is red, black, and white with a set of sharpened angles merging an interspersed lower case e and upper case A. The logo coloration doubles as a metaphor with the red signifying the vitality/fire/energy with the black signifying the grounding effect that action has in terms of building a foundation for moving forward. The mixture of both the vital fire of energy combined with the foundational nature of daily action and habitual rituals will enable you to become the best version of yourself.
There are a variety of color schemes for the logo that have been developed with my personal favorite being the all red and white alternative logo – probably because I’m most focused on stoking the fire and ramping my vitality through my daily actions.
Getting the logo and brand was among the very first things I established as the site became live. I wanted to be very coherent in terms of the mission of the online project, with the logo/branding having to reflect the philosophy behind Energy and Action.
As the project launches officially early next year, the logo and brand will be second only to the quality of the content being pumped out each week.