KIT Definition & Purpose
This month’s kit is all about my current dietary supplementation and workout kit that is unusually focused on getting stronger and losing fat gradually.
KIT Payback / Value Prop
Everyone has a different fitness goal. if you are looking to increase your strength, muscle volume, and reduce fat gradually – then this is likely a strong KIT for your consideration this month. In the past three months I’ve witnessed some substantial improvements in terms of recovery speed and strength gains. This is in many ways due to my improved sleeping habits and my dietary habits. I’ve started outlining many ways to improve LINK sleeping habits. I’ve recently shared a LINK a new supplement that has helped me start to breakthrough some plateaus. I’ve even shared my favorite workout app.
This month is aimed at outlining my preferred lifting gear, dietary practices, and my dietary supplementation that is focused on greater performance in the gym.
The value prop for this month’s kit is gradual strength increases over a three month horizon, while draining the goo off of your muscles gradually. The payback is slow and gradual – this is the most permanent way to secure gains in transforming your body.
Too fast on the fat loss, you’ll likely boomerang it back onto your body.
Neither of these options is great for the long term, consistent and gradual gains is the way to take the gains.
KIT Contents
Lifting Diet Supplements
Pre workout Supplement
Check out the article where I dive into this in more depth. This is the supplement that has unlocked my performance in the past month unlike any other pre workout supplement.
Branched Chain Amino Acid
Humana Pro Rocket Pop flavor – I’m taking about 100 grams of this stuff daily now to supplement my protein needs. I’m currently in range of 185-195 lbs, and I’m targeting 260 grams of protein daily while restricting my calories to 1000-1500 depending upon a few factors such as the lift intensity for that given day, how tired I am (I tend to eat more if I’m overtired), and if I am due a mini cheat day towards the upper end of the range.
The best part of this supplement is that it has enabled me to maintain my muscle mass with a slight increase in the past month while I am draining down the fat. The manufacturer states that this protein readily absorbed into the body with no need to metabolize it unlike other proteins that have varying levels of uptake. On top of the absorption benefits, this supplement has no calories which is key if you are on a cut cycle. Amazing stuff, and the reviews online seem to back up what the guy in the local supplement shop had said.
Collagen Protein
KIT How To’s –
Pre Work Out Drink
I’ll take my pre lift drink about 20 minutes before I know I’ll be in the gym, so that the effect peaks about midway through my first movement which is always my heaviest body part while at the gym. If I take this after 4pm, I plan on being up until at least 12am as it really does give quite a sustained effect even hours after the lift is over. This is a serious supplement that does provide a substantial pop, and then an elevated level of awareness for hours.
I am currently taking two scoops first thing in the morning to give me a jolt of 50g of protein. I put this protein down as part of my first swigs of water in the morning. I’ll then take another scoop around noon, with the final scoop usually right after I am done lifting in the evening. Each scoop is 25g of protein, and most days I’m getting the 100 grams from this protein source. It has helped to keep the calorie intact lower than if I was getting the 100 grams from a chicken or fish source.
The chocolate bullet proof collagen is unreal when mixed with my morning or afternoon coffee. You can stir it into the coffee with decent effect if the coffee is really hot. I recommend blending the coffee with the collagen and a splash of milk. It makes for a really smart and tasty cafe mocha that is jammed with pure protein. Double duty and it tastes better than it should