10 months, 2 days, and a recovering busyholic.


Been on quite a journey over the past few years – last year for a solid ten months – I took a very intense course that had homework and practicum’s each week. This completed in December, and I’m very happy to have gone through the experience. I have not really elaborated much on the training experience, as I wanted to have everything ‘lined up’ and perfect before I began sharing a bit more.


This past weekend, I took yet another class.  I had immense hopes for the course, as it was very business and mindset oriented.  I knew it would have a very rich set of tactics, and that invariably the class would also focus on mindset.


What I did not realize going into it – was that it would succinctly break through my mindset and crystalize the course work I took last year in a way that is so easy to understand.  Now, I have been struggling since Friday night to figure out if it was the work I put in the prior 12 months that prepared me to understand the very simple truth as it was put forward or if I just now got it in my bones for the first time – due to the instructor.  Either way, it does not really matter.


In fact, I think what has happened is that the classes I took all of last year, now become amplified as those were skills I had developed through a lot of practice and reading last year.  I’ll be very honest here – I had put it all of the practice and self development (in terms of these tools) on hold since the mid point of December.  Instead, I focused on my physical and energetic needs with a slew of research and lifestyle changes.


I can honestly say that I am the healthiest I have ever been as of today.  I know exactly what I need to continue to do in terms of supplementation, lifestyle choices, sleeping needs, diet, and movements.  I have taken two courses this year on this stuff, and I have been slow rolling the classes to really hone in on a couple of new daily habits that have me questioning my sanity on some days.


For example, I have been doing HOT/COLD therapy each morning and night, and let me tell you – jumping in a pool of water that is 40 degrees is a mixed bag on most days/nights.  The benefits of this protocol have been scientifically backed up, and I guess that was my justification for doing it.  Since then however, I have come to really enjoy the hot/cold as it really has produced some amazing energy boosts, appetite control, and generally increased vitality.  Moving beyond this one ‘longevity’ habit that I’m cultivating…


It has moved me to overcome the mental chatter that so many of us experience each day.  Increasingly the ‘are you crazy!?!?!’ inner voice that used to pop up as I was standing outside my cold shower or about to jump into the pool – has disappeared.  The command of my thoughts has only increased, and my ability to truly focus has been increasingly supported and strengthened as well.


So now, I’m turning my attention back to being a bit more active here online via this online forum.  I have uncovered some new discoveries about my own limitations from a mindset standpoint that have me really pumped.    This past weekend’s course was in many ways a reflection of things I had already known, and had gotten away from.


Now I am getting back to basics, taking daily action, and not over thinking what I need to be doing.  Also, I will be very focused on not over doing it as the busy monster has been chasing me hard over the past 9 months.


I have been so reluctant to post over the past few months, as I have been too busy with work.  Or too busy with family.  Or too busy having fun and going to concerts.  Or whatever excuse I can write – I have a thousand of them.  Hell, I have been too busy being too busy!


Here’s the thing, I have been so focused on putting content out that was properly researched, curated, and edited – that I did not produce a damn thing.  Yet last year, for a good stretch of over 100 days, I wrote nearly every day and posted every day.  Some of that was straight from the heart, and not edited at all.  Some of it was carefully researched and had hours poured into it.


I’ve decided to just get back out there, and start to share on some of  the recent ‘mind jacking’ games I’ve been exercising, as I continued to say I was too busy.  Of course this is a bullshit reason.


I thought I was past the need to produce.  The need to be perfect.  The need to be too busy when it came to my online efforts.  I clearly was wrong about that, and I am admitting that I still have some work to do in this regard.


I’ll be sharing more about my recent struggles with being a recovering busyholic, and my ongoing struggles to produce perfection.  I may even share some of my successes at producing iterative wins with a relentlessness that still has a few folks scratching their heads.  From my work to one of the biggest guys at the gym stopping me on Friday night out of nowhere with a compliment.


More to come, and yeah – I’ll share a bit more in the coming days on what’s been getting built up.


Have an awesome week everyone!


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